
2nd International Recreation and Sports Management Congress

Dear Scientists,
The 2nd International Recreation and Sports Management Congress, which was held between 11-14 April 2019, was held in Bodrum La Blanche Island Hotel. It ended successfully with the slogan “Manage Well, Live Well-Manage Well, Live Well”. In addition to 166 oral and 25 poster presentations, 6 foreign invited speakers and 7 national invited speakers, each more valuable than the other, presented with the efforts of 175 researchers who made this success, a total of 12 studies were presented in English in 3 sessions.
In order to represent our university and make a presentation, one of our faculty members, Head of Coaching Education Department Assoc. Dr. Ali ÖZKAN and Head of Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department Dr. Faculty Member Fatih YAŞARTÜRK, Deputy Principals Gürkan ELÇİ, Research Assistants Recep AYDIN, Sercan KURAL and İsmail AYDIN, graduate students Ali OZAN SARIGÖZ, Rahmi CENGİZ, Gökhan KOCAER attended the congress to make presentations.
For your information, I wish you a day full of peace with love and respect...
On behalf of Bartın University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Coaching Education
Best regards,
Assoc. Dr. Ali OZKAN
head of department
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