
2nd World Congress of Sports Sciences Research

Dear Sports Scientists;
Organized by Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, the '2. The World Sports Sciences Research Congress was held in Manisa, the city of Şehzadeler, between 21-24 March 2019. In addition to the main topics in Sports Sciences, the congress included the special topic of "2020 Olympic Games" and shared. About 330 scientists from 12 different countries participated in the 2nd World Congress of Sport Sciences Researches with their papers, and 17 invited speakers, 8 of which were International and 9 were national, took place.
The Congress was held in Manisa Büyük Saruhan Hotel with a total of 485 national and international participants, including participants from 12 different countries, with a total of 45 Verbal sessions and 2 Digital Poster sessions in 5 halls. 7 foreign invited speakers from different countries (Prof. Dr. Patrizia ZAGNOLI (Italy), Prof. Dr. Kurt WEIS (Germany), Prof. Dr. Nadhim AL-WATTAR (Iraq), Prof. Dr. Khaled EBADA (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Hafidi MOUNIB ( Algeria), Dr. Riitta PÄJÄRVI-MYLLYAHO (FINLAND) and Dr. Vladimir HOJKA (Czech Republic) and 9 National invited speakers (Prof. Dr. Mehmet GÜNAY, Prof. Dr. Gökhan BAYRAKTAR, Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Recep GÜRSOY, Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul GELEN, Prof. Dr. Betül ERSOY, Prof. Dr. Halit EV, Associate Prof. Dr. Nazmi SARITAŞ, Associate Prof. Kerem Yıldırım ŞİMŞEK, Dr. Neşe GÜNDOĞAN). In the congress, scientists from different departments of Sports Sciences discussed and discussed current studies on sports sciences.
In order to represent our university and make a presentation, one of our faculty members, Head of Coaching Education Department Assoc. Dr. Ali ÖZKAN and Head of Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department Dr. Faculty Member Fatih YAŞARTÜRK, Research Assistants Recep AYDIN ​​and İsmail AYDIN, graduate students Ümit ÖZ, Büşra Buse GÜLDÜR and İrem TÜRKMEN attended the congress to make presentations.
In addition, the study titled "Examination and Association of Body Composition, Strength, Anaerobic Power Characteristics of Young National Cyclists" by ZEKİ SÖYLEMEZ, one of our undergraduate students, as part of the ANT402 Research and Project II course in Coaching Education, was accepted and presented as an oral presentation.
Love and respect...
Assoc. Dr. Ali OZKAN
head of department
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