
'Autism, Recreation and Physical Activity' was discussed

In the event organized by the Department of Coaching Education and Recreation Department of the Faculty of Sport Sciences of our university, speeches were made under the titles of 'Autism and Physical Activity' and 'Recreation and Physical Activity'.
Organized by the Faculty of Sports Sciences of our university, the event was held at the Ağdacı Campus Conference Hall. Making the opening speech of the event, our University Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Uzun said that the Faculty of Sports Sciences made a difference with its success.
Underlining that they continue to train the athletes of the future with the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Rector Uzun said, “As Bartın University, we aim to have a say in the field of sports, in addition to our scientific efforts to contribute to the development of our region and our country. At this point, we achieve significant successes both scientifically and in sports. With the Faculty of Sports Sciences, we have achieved countless successes both at home and abroad, individually or as a team. Our world and European champions made us proud as a member of the Bartın University family. I congratulate everyone who contributed to these successes and I believe that we will continue to increase our successes.” said.
In the conference that followed, Ankara University Faculty of Sport Sciences Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Bülent Gürbüz gave a speech titled 'Recreation and Physical Activity'. Gürbüz said, “There are some expressions on the concept of leisure or free time in the definition of recreation. In fact, the definition can be expressed as free time. We can also say when a person feels free and happy. In short, it is a concept related to time.” used the phrases.
Gürbüz also touched upon the historical development of recreation, the need for recreation, participation in physical activity, and the relationship between departments and sectors and said, “Participation in recreational physical activity can be considered in three dimensions. These; physiological benefits, psychological benefits, and social benefits. In this context, there are some things to be done as a department. From student selection to employment, right plans should be made at many points.” he said.
Making his speech titled "Autism and Physical Activity", Kırıkkale University Faculty of Sport Sciences Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Halil Sarol said, “It is very valuable to recognize autism, which is a spectrum disorder, and to raise awareness about it. Physical activity has an important place in the treatment processes of individuals with autism. Physical activity leads to success not only for individuals with autism, but also for everyone in terms of physical, mental and motivation.” he said.
Sarol also talked about Special Education and Practice Schools and made an evaluation on the sensitivity shown to this issue in Turkey.
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