
Award-Winning Domino Tournament Held

'Award-winning Domino Tournament' was organized within the scope of our department's 'ANT.409 Research and Project 1 in Coaching Education' course. Gifts were given to our students who ranked in the tournament held in the Mind Games Class of our faculty. Head of Coaching Education Department Assoc. He stated that the department will continue to produce projects for the versatile development of our students in the 'Mind Games Class', which we organize to provide the opportunity to use their free time efficiently.
  • "Champions' Corner Added to Our Faculty Inaugurated with Ceremony"

  • Fakültemizde Antrenörlük Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı Açılıyor

  • Graduation Passion Experienced

  • Our Faculty II. Project Festival Held

  • The 'Road to the Top in Sports' Career Days was Activated

  • Career Days Event will be held in our "Road to the Top in Sports" Department.

  • "Trainer and Athlete Experiences in the International Arena" Department Career Days Event will be held.

  • "From Student to Academician" Department Career Days Event will be held.

  • Science Festival in partnership with the Department of Coaching Education and the Department of Recreation

  • Workshop on Improving Course Information Packages in Terms of Competencies