
Bartın University is Ready for Modern Archery

                                                                                                          Bartın Üniversitesi Modern Okçuluğa Hazır

Archery Coaching Course was organized by the Turkish Archery Federation between January 20 and February 1. 120 Archery lovers from various regions of Turkey learned the intricacies of Modern Archery for 13 days. As Bartın region, our University's Physical Education and Sports School Coaching Education Department Res. See. Recep AYDIN attended the course.

After the basic lessons, the trainees were given the opportunity to attend the Antalya 100th Year Archery Facilities by National Teams Coach Göktuğ ERGİN, Federation Board Member Cumhur YAVAŞ, Chief Referee Orhan ŞENTÜRK, Kocaeli Region Trainer Rıdvan UZUNTAŞ, Tokat Region Trainer Davut KAYA and Ankara Region Trainer Gülüşen Güler Balcı; Archery Special Training Information, Technical-Tactics and Game Rules lessons were given. In addition, talent selection in Modern Archery, shooting, beam knitting, arrow cutting and modern archery strategies in weather conditions were explained in practice at Antalya 100th Year Archery Facilities.

Attending the Coaching Course, Res. See. Recep AYDIN said, “The primary task of transferring archery, which is our ancestral sport in our region, to university youth belongs to us, sports scientists; we are trying to do this. It was a great feeling to see the National Teams Technical Director, National Chief Referees and regional coaches that I followed on sports channels while training us. We have top athletes in the world, but since modern archery is not known as the Bartın region, none of our youth is aware of this sport. We spent 13 days full of hands-on training; I am excited to transfer these to Bartın University students”. Also, “My School of Physical Education and Sports Director Assoc. Dr. He expressed his gratitude to Taner BOZKUŞ and my Head of Coaching Education Department Ali ÖZKAN for their dedication.”
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