
Participation in Recreational Activities and Health Promotion

Bartın University School of Physical Education and Sports lecturer and Besyo Deputy Director Lect. Tea. Gürkan ELÇİ successfully completed his seminar as a PhD student at Ankara University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, where he studied. On 27.06.2018, the 21st of the Graduate Seminars was held and Gürkan Elçi (PhD Student of Associate Professor Bülent GÜRBÜZ) presented his seminar titled "Participation in Recreational Activities and Improving Health". In addition, Bartın University Head of Coaching Education Department Dr. Instructor Member Ali ÖZKAN attended the session and Lecturer. Tea. Gürkan did not leave ELÇİ alone.
Gürkan ELÇİ expressed his gratitude for the participation of the audience and thanked my PhD advisor, Assoc. Dr. Prof. Bülent GÜRBÜZ for his contributions to physical activity and health. Dr. I would like to thank Gülfem ERSÖZ and Bartın University Head of Coaching Education Department for her support. Instructor He expressed his gratitude to its member Ali ÖZKAN.
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