
Workshop on Improving Course Information Packages in Terms of Competencies

"Workshop on Improvement of Course Information Packages in Terms of Competencies" was held by the University Quality Coordinator, Education and Training Unit.
Within the scope of quality studies at our university, the "Workshop on the Improvement of Course Information Packages in Terms of Competencies" organized by the Quality Coordinator, Education and Training Unit was held on 07-11 January 2019.
The workshop, which was held at the Kutlubey Campus Mimar Sinan Classroom Conference Hall and lasted for a week, was attended by the faculty members of the Faculties, Schools and Vocational Schools of our University, as well as their internal and external stakeholders.
Making the opening speech of the workshop, Vice Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Sedat Yazıcı emphasized that updating course information packages constitutes an important dimension of quality and accreditation studies.
Prof. Dr. Yazıcı also mentioned the importance of the workshop held and said, "The fact that our instructors work with internal and external stakeholders on every issue, and their opinions and thoughts are taken into account, is an important factor in making the quality process more qualified." said.
Head of Education and Training Unit Prof. Dr. Nezahat Güçlü gave information about the scope, purpose and method of the workshop and said, “In order to create the internal quality assurance system in our university, our main goals are to constantly monitor and update the programs implemented, to make the programs open to student-centered learning and teaching, and to provide students with qualified knowledge and skills. Our aim in this workshop we organized is to ensure that all our units complete the course information packages completely and that all lecturers in the department do this with the cooperation of internal and external stakeholders.” he said.
At the workshop, Dr. Instructor Member Burcu Duman conveyed the points to be considered in the relation of basic field qualifications, program qualifications and course learning outcomes in the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework.
In the workshop where it was stated that the competencies in this basic field should be taken as a basis in the preparation of the program outputs, Chief Kerem Kılıçay from the Registrar's Office showed how to enter the Course Information Packages into the system and explained the problems that emerged in this process.
After the briefings, studies were carried out on 'Course Information Packages' with unit representatives and participating stakeholders.
In this process, Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework, program and learning outcomes, measurement and evaluation, etc. were evaluated by the faculty members of the Faculty of Education Curriculum Teaching, Measurement and Evaluation Department. Practical support was provided to the participants.
Participating in the evaluation meeting held at the end of the workshop, our University Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Uzun thanked the participants for their devoted work.
Underlining that the studies at the university continue without slowing down with the understanding of 'continuous improvement', Rector Uzun said, “Quality; It will add perfection to our competence and competence along with the education and training processes. Therefore, our efforts will be beneficial in the short and long term both in terms of our competence and in preparing our students for the future. At this point, I care about the participation of our external stakeholders, as well as our internal stakeholders, through our work. Because the academic knowledge and skills given by Higher Education Institutions; It should consist of professional knowledge and skills and professional attitudes. In this sense, as long as a person's knowledge and skills and ontology overlap with each other, there will be a continuous improvement in one's professional skills, in this case, it will add value to the future of our country. At this point, serious studies have been carried out in our Higher Education Council and continue to be carried out. With these thoughts, we would like to thank our YÖK President Prof. Dr. M. A. Yekta Saraç and our Chairman of YÖK Quality Board Prof. Dr. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Muzaffer Elmas and our members of YÖK. I would like to thank all our internal and external stakeholders as well as our academic and administrative staff for their hard work during the workshop.” he said.
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