
Project Management Activity Will Be Held in TÜBİTAK Student Projects

In order to disseminate research and project culture among our university students, activities are held periodically by the Project and Technology Office General Coordinatorship.

In this context, Faculty of Education faculty member Dr. Instructor Member Bekir GÜLER and Faculty of Science lecturer Res. See. Dr. By Rizvan İMAMOĞLU; About "2209-B Industry Oriented University Research Projects Support Program", which is organized to encourage university students to research through industry-oriented projects, and "2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program", which is generally announced twice a year, "Project Management in TÜBİTAK Student Projects" event will be held online at 14:00 via the zoom program.

We kindly ask our students to participate in the event that will be given about the support programs in question.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 937 8689 9564
Passcode: PTO2021